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If You Have Been Hurt, You Deserve Results

At Frails & Wilson Attorneys At Law, we understand that suffering a personal injury involves more than just the injury itself. The pain and suffering can be insurmountable, and with the emotional and financial distress that often accompanies an injury, your life can change permanently. Though no one can take back the injury, we can help you to get a fair compensation for what you have endured.

From property damage to catastrophic injuries, our experienced attorneys can help you get a settlement or verdict that you deserve. A few of the many areas we focus on include:

  • Car and tractor-trailer accidents: If you were hurt in a motor vehicle accident caused by another driver, you may deserve more than a standard insurance payout.
  • Malpractice: If medical providers did not meet the minimum standard of care, they can face serious consequences.
  • Slip and fall: We can help you determine whether negligence caused your fall and, if so, what can be done about it.
  • Burns: Injuries involving burns can be the most agonizing, and often involve the longest recovery.

When You Need Answers

We know that in addition to pain and suffering, there are countless questions that come along with receiving injuries such as:

  • Do I have to go to court?
  • How long will it take to settle my case?
  • Will my doctor’s bill be paid?
  • Will the issues be on my credit?
  • What if I can’t afford a doctor?

At Frails & Wilson Attorneys At Law, we have the experience and resources to help you answer the questions you have and those you didn’t know to ask. We have relationships with a variety of experts in Georgia including physicians, accident reconstruction experts and engineers.

Taking The Next Step

If you or a loved one has sustained injuries due to another’s negligence, you deserve the representation of our experienced Augusta lawyers. We know you have been through enough already, and we will help you to take the next steps in order to get the compensation that you are owed.

Please call us at 800-413-9005 or contact us online so that we can help you move forward.